The Lafayette Public Library will change its digital collection lending platform from Libby by Overdrive to cloudLibrary by Bibliotheca beginning on March 13. 

This switch will give users access to more titles to choose from in addition to shorter wait times.

The Lafayette Public Library explains their decision was not made lightly, but they found that cloudLibrary is the most convenient and cost-effective way to offer the most digital titles to their patrons. 

This new platform gives users access to materials from other Louisiana libraries, currently 34, through cloudLink with more than 250,000 shareable copies. 

Comics Plus and NewsStand can also be accessed from the cloudLibrary app. Comics Plus provides users with over 25,000 digital comics, graphic novels and manga. NewsStand provides users access to over 7,500 digital magazines and newspapers. 

The cloudLibrary app is available for users to access now, but the current collection is small due to the switch over from Libby being in progress. The complete collection of titles in Libby will be transferred to cloudLibrary on March 13.

With cloudLibrary, users will be able to borrow six items at a time, place 15 holds at a time and check out items for 21 days. Unfortunately, if an item was placed on hold and becomes available when the user is not ready, the hold will be lost and will be to be placed again. cloudLibrary is working to improve on this feature.

The free app is available for Apple devices, Android devices, Chrome, Amazon Fire, Nook e-reader, Kobo e-reader and Windows devices. After downloading the app, users can log in using their Lafayette Public Library card. For more information about downloading the app, visit 

Unfortunately for Kindle users, cloudLibrary will not be available because it is currently incompatible. Amazon works exclusively with OverDrive for eBooks on Kindle e-readers. According to the Lafayette Public Library, cloudLibrary is actively trying to get permission from Amazon to work for Kindle e-readers, but Amazon is not agreeing to it. To help gain access, you can contact Kindle support to request Amazon to allow compatibility with cloudLibrary.

For current Libby users, Libby will be available for use until 11:59 p.m. on March 12. If you have noticed the maximum number of holds going down or the loan period getting shorter, this is due to the switch to cloudLibrary. The last date to place holds was February 29 and the last date to borrow titles was March 5. Current checkouts and holds will not transfer to cloudLibrary, but users can login to cloudLibrary now to checkout or place holds with what is currently available in the app’s opening collection.

If you have tags in the Libby app, those will also not transfer. The Lafayette Public Library explained, “You can export your tags in the Libby app by navigating to the Tags page on your Shelf. Select a tag, then select Actions in the top right corner and choose Export Tag. You can then choose your preferred format for the export.”